Quick Consult

Sometimes you just need a check-up and a game plan.

I’ll take a look at how your brand is showing up in the world and give you some recommendations on how your brand communications can be improved to achieve your business objectives.

Fast. Easy. Actionable.

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    You've already done the work to build a unique brand, maybe with me, or maybe on your own.

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    But it's been a minute – maybe longer – since you last made brand messaging updates and you need an external expert to assess whether the way you show up today is clear and effective.

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    I'll review your website, social channels and pitch decks and provide feedback on how your brand comes across today: assessing your position and clarity of your offering.

How it works

Step 1

30 minute briefing call

  • We’ll hop on a call so that you can talk me through your concerns and desires related to your current brand messaging.

  • I’ll ask questions like, What’s happening in your business right now? What are you trying to achieve through your brand awareness channels? What do you want your brand to be?

  • You’ll send me links to anything you want me to evaluate as a current brand touch point as well as a few competitor sites

I’ll share a brand assessment

  • The next day, I’ll email over a brand check-up doc that includes my evaluation of how you show up relative to your competitors and recommendations of where you might improve your messaging to be tighter, clearer or more unique

  • I’ll also share an estimate for my time, should you want me to go ahead and make updates to your web, social content, etc.

Step 2

Brand Check-Up

Brand Check-Up

Cost: $250

Flat fee for initial consult

Includes 30 min call, email recommendations and estimate, if needed, for any brand updates