Helping founders articulate their brand and unlock growth


Business challenge:

Founders know their brand. The problem is, usually the story is stuck in their head. Growing a team and scaling business means capturing the narrative and getting it on paper — as succinctly as possible — while ensuring the brand narrative is truly relevant and differentiated to engage their target audience. Founders are anxious to bring their brand to life in pitch decks, landing pages and social media but before we get there, a tight strategy will ensure that content is consistent, compelling and impactful for business growth.

Brand Strategy for Founders

  1. Audience Research: Brand strategy is all about creating relevance. I start every engagement by conducting interviews with “ideal” clients or partners and diving into the industry and competition. The insights I clean from discovery is the foundation for the brand positioning.

  2. Positioning Workshop: We move further faster by collaborating in a working session where I share research findings and possible positioning directions with a supporting brand narrative to get real-time feedback.

  3. Brand Idea and Messaging: Scaling effectively means having a creative idea that represents your brand’s unique position and aspirations. I develop a conceptual brand idea and map the idea to your core go-to-market messaging, which will inform copy and design across brand touch points.

  4. Updating Assets: This is what you need to get off to the races; it’s what turns strategy into action. I provide copy recommendations for existing pitch decks, website home page and social media and referrals to writers and designers in my network to enable continued execution of your updated brand.

Key learnings:

Strategy seems superfluous when a founder is eager and ready to make immediate change. Rather than being rigid and dogmatic about my process, I have tailored my offering when working with founders and start-ups to work quickly and keep things fluid, essentially avoid being overly precious. Working collaboratively creates momentum for updating brand assets while ensuring that there is a strategic framework to point back to, and allows creative resources to move faster and with confidence, too.


Lifestyle Branding: Brand architecture, positioning, naming