Hyper-competitive DTC offerings necessitate a strong brand POV that will cut through the market.


Business challenge:

Mejuri’s marketing team was in the midst of a leadership transition when I came on as an Interim Brand leader. The initial ask was to evaluate and make a plan for brand content. But with a heavy performance marketing focus, it was difficult to deploy always-on brand content that reflected their unique POV. 

My approach:

  1. Brand content only works if you have a strong brand strategy, so I started the engagement articulating and socializing what the brand stands for and why it matters (respective of their audience and competitive landscape).

  2. Brand content relies on brand messages that are relevant to your target audience so I developed a messaging strategy based on the existing brand promise. 

  3. Creative needs a playbook in order to successfully put brand into market. I demonstrated how creative content can incorporate brand messaging on the specific channels they invest in. 

  4. Advised CMO and senior leadership on the role of brand, ultimately helping define their hiring needs for FT brand leadership. 

  5. Continued to call-out what was working and where improvements were needed to create stronger brand assets until a new brand leader was in place.

Brand content, Email

Brand Messaging

My impact:

  • I solidified the role of Brand within her marketing org to help her ultimately hire FT brand leadership. By advising her on what she did/didn’t need from a brand strategist, I saved Mejuri  >$250K in salary spent on the WRONG hire that would have further drained their energy and resources.

  • I educated internal teams where and when brand content will be most impactful, thereby helping them release consistent, annoying bottlenecks that were preventing them from getting approvals and deploying brand content.

Key Learning:

  • In some consulting engagements, the greatest impact I can make is a soft serve: A busy CMO gets more out of an occasional insightful Slack message than a regular check-in. By providing her with useful fodder (without asking for anything in return), I armed her to make decisions about the course of brand within her organization. When she took my advice, I knew it was an effective way of working. 


Stitch Fix: positioning + messaging + creative strategy