Building an overarching brand with a robust product portfolio


Business challenge:

Verkada’s technology is complicated — and so were the marketing messages. But having a narrative that was more emotive, less functional, went beyond writing new ad copy. They needed to build a brand rooted in the company’s purpose, not its technical prowess, in order to connect with its audience (people who don’t read tech specs all day) and then ensure that all current and future products aligned to that brand promise.

My approach:

  1. Brand platform: Using data derived from customer interviews, leadership discussions and competitive analysis, I worked with the marketing team at Verkada to land the brand positioning, personality and voice.

  2. Brand architecture: I mapped each product’s core value proposition under the brand umbrella to ensure that it had lasting power and that each product provided unique and compelling value to the portfolio.

  3. Audience-based messaging: I translated the high-level brand promise into messages targeted at each of the core audiences Verkada engages with and then provided guidance to the Verkada creative team on how to turn messaging into real-world copy.

  4. Brand activation recommendations: Brand strategy is only as good as what you do with it. I provided Verkada with a host of recommendations on how and where to activate its new brand to grow customer awareness and consideration.

My impact on the business:

As a high-growth company, Verkada used the brand strategy to arm its creative and marketing teams with clear direction. Web design, packaging, marketing assets all rely on the brand strategy and subsequent guidelines to ensure content is consistent, compelling and relatable for its audience.


Nokia: consumer research + experience mapping


Lifestyle Branding: Brand architecture, positioning, naming