Brand Strategy Services

Expert advising focused on helping brands cut through the noise in a relevant way.

A snapshot of what it’s like to work with me …

  1. I bring 15+ years of brand strategy experience working in creative agencies and leading client-side teams to every engagement. As an independent consultant I work fast and on tight budgets.

  2. My way into strategy was writing. I started out as a copy-writer doing long-form brand narratives and brand voice. I am an expert at bringing strategy to life in a practical, yet emotive way. I can do that for you.

  3. My dad’s a creative, my mom’s a marketer. I bring it all together like one perfect little offspring. That means I am deeply attuned to how writers and designers work and what they need to develop inspiring creative. And I know how to make strategy actionable, effective and measurable for marketers.

  4. I’m scrappy and polished at the same time. I can pull together a quick deck to get you on your way and socialize it with your C-suite. No waiting around for bells and whistles. You don’t have time for that.

  5. My insights are data-driven. Instinct is nice but I need more than that - and so do you. I rely on research and am perfectly comfortable spinning up a qualitative or quantitive study to gather the data needed to inform strategy.

  6. I have other hobbies (long-distance swimming, landscape design) and interests (my kids), too. But we can connect about those things later.

Learn more about my strategy background here or set-up time to chat

What business challenge can I help you solve?

  • Let’s work together to build an effective, data-driven brand strategy that will align your organization and better connect with your customers.

    Brand strategy projects I can do for you include

    • mapping out your brand architecture

    • crafting a brand promise

    • refining your brand voice

    • building a brand activation strategy

  • I’ll craft a clear articulation of your product positioning to guide your product roadmap and marketing efforts. Working with me will ensure that

    • your target audience understands what is special and unique about each product you offer

    • your products sit cohesively together under a brand architecture

    • marketing messages effectively reinforce your positioning

    • product design teams and marketing teams are aligned and able to develop a consistent customer experience

  • I bring research rigor to brand strategy. You can trust that my recommendations are data-driven by having me

    • conduct and synthesize qual and quant research

    • gather intel from stakeholders and analyze the competition

    • map insights to strategy, packaged up in a way that leadership can do something with

  • Strategy is great but let’s bring this baby to life! Plug me in to

    • map out your website with strategic wireframes

    • write external-facing copy in product marketing, web, app, onboarding touch points and brand marketing assets

    • develop brand guidelines for your UX and creative teams

My Recent Projects

People like working with me.

Building or refining your brand is a worthwhile investment.

Why? Because you can’t afford to NOT stand out. And standing out means standing for something. It means knowing who you’re for because you can’t be everything to everyone. And it means making a promise - and always (always) living up to that promise.

Working with me is an end-to-end partnership. I can develop a strategy and then bring it to life by writing copy for marketing assets, web, product UX and ongoing brand engagement to retain your customers.